I am super excited that we are having a baby girl in about 2 months time...so much so that I am making her bedding. First is the crib skirt. I used a couple of great blogs to get started. They were http://dkhibler.blogspot.com/2009/06/crib-skirt-tutorial.html and Leanne Barlow's Elle Apparel http://elleapparel.blogspot.com/2012/05/crib-bedding-101.html.
I found some great fabric at babybedding.com called white pagoda. I ended up buying something like 4 or 5 yards of the white pagoda because I am making multiple items from this fabric. It is also important to note that this fabric had a picture on it so I had to be careful to cut it so the picture was vertical as it should be.
To assemble I used Leanne Barlow's measurements and added 3 inches to the long side making it 55" x 15.25" so that I could add one large pleat to the skirt. It ended up not mattering in my case though as the crib rail covered it up completely!
I also decided to go ahead and cut 2 long pieces. Most the time it wouldn't really matter as you only see the front of the crib, but if I decide to sell the set later, I didn't want there to be a problem.
Long Sides (2) 55" x 15.25" which allows .25" seam allowance
Short Sides (2) 27" x 15/25" with .25" s.a.
Center section of white muslin 28" x 15.5" with .25" s.a.
I always iron the seams to make sewing easier...especially when sewing a pleat.
I then sewed together.
Tada! I think the skirt turned out super cute!